UNAPOLOGETIC is a show that unapologetically looks at the life, times and views of some unapologetic and not so unapologetic humans. Hosted by Ashfaaq Carim
Episode 21 - Is Israel descending into a ‘fully fledged fascist dictatorship’? | Israeli MP Offer Cassif | UNAPOLOGETIC
“In Israel they are either bigots, fanatics, sometimes murderous ones… and they are cowards… and unfortunately there is no brave figure that I can see” - Offer Cassif, Israeli MP
Israeli MP Offer Cassif has been staunchly against Israel’s long occupation of Palestine and has been highly critical of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The coalition he is a part of consists of only five seats out of 120 in the Israeli Knesset.
He joined us for a second time on UNAPOLOGETIC to discuss how Israeli society is largely embracing its leadership’s descent into a “fully fledged fascist dictatorship”.
00:00 Intro
01:10 The war and Israeli society’s response
07:37 Understanding the thinking of the Israeli government - subjugation plan
16:58 The genocide and the international reaction to it
23:02 How can this war be scaled back and ICC warrants?
28:52 The make-up of the Israeli Knesset
34:02 Going back to Rafah
36:58 Unpacking the forged documents scandal
42:00 Would Gantz or Lapid be any different?
52:58 How a negotiated peace can occur - South Africa
1:03:03 Unpacking resistance inside Israel
1:07:00 Internal repression in Israel
01:11:07 Is Israel sustainable?
01:16:30 Juxtaposing Palestinian dignity with Israel