UNAPOLOGETIC is a show that unapologetically looks at the life, times and views of some unapologetic and not so unapologetic humans. Hosted by Ashfaaq Carim
22 episodes
Epiosde 22 - What exactly happened in Syria’s 13-year civil war | Gamal Mansour | UNAPOLOGETIC
Gamal Mansour is a Syrian-Palestinian who was forced to move to Canada in 2012, as the Syrian uprising was turning into a civil war.Mansour is also a political scientist who is currently researching strategies that the business sector un...
Season 1
Episode 22
Episode 21 - Is Israel descending into a ‘fully fledged fascist dictatorship’? | Israeli MP Offer Cassif | UNAPOLOGETIC
“In Israel they are either bigots, fanatics, sometimes murderous ones… and they are cowards… and unfortunately there is no brave figure that I can see” - Offer Cassif, Israeli MPIsraeli MP Offer Cassif has been staunchly against Israel’s...
Season 1
Episode 21
Episode 20 - 100-year history of US meddling, coups and wars in the Middle East | Roy Casagranda | UNAPOLOGETIC
Professor Roy Casagranda is an expert in history and political science.He has hosted a series of lectures that are available on YouTube explaining the history of the Americas, the slave trade, colonialism, and the Arab world and the Midd...
Season 1
Episode 20
Episode 19 - The global fight to isolate Israel as a “pariah state” | South Africa’s Naledi Pandor | UNAPOLOGETIC
South Africa’s former minister of international relations, Naledi Pandor, speaks to us about the why South Africa took Israel to court for genocide. We also speak about why the world has still not yet intervened decisively and has allowed Israe...
Season 1
Episode 19
Episode 18 - The problem with "whiteness" and how its unleashed all types or racisms | Rachel Shabi | UNAPOLOGETIC
“Fighting racism in silos that was invented by racism doesn’t make any sense.”Rachel Shabi is an author, journalist and commentator, and she has recently published her second book, Off-White: The Truth About Antisemitism....
Season 1
Episode 18
Episode 17: "The more the US interfere, the more they are hated" | Wadah Khanfar | UNAPOLOGETIC
“I think the Arab leaders are going to be the victims of this genocide in Gaza.”Wadah Khanfar is the founder and executive director of the Al-Sharq Forum. He is also the former director general of the Al Jazeera Media Network.We...
Season 1
Episode 17
Episode 16: Has Israel immortalised the memory of Yahya Sinwar ? | Dr. Azzam Tamimi | UNAPOLOGETIC
In a conversation with Dr. Azzam Tamimi - who is a scholar of political science and has written books on the history of Hamas - we discuss the legacy of Yahya Sinwar.Was it a miscalculation for Israel to release footage of how the Hamas...
Season 1
Episode 16
Episode 15 - How Israel functions as an extension of US Imperial interests | Joseph Massad | UNAPOLOGETIC
“It’s not just that the US is complicit in this genocide, the US itself is responsible for this genocide”.A year after the events of 7 October, Joseph Massad speaks about Israel's response and what it has all meant and could mean for the...
Season 1
Episode 15
Episode 14: The woman trying to upend the U.S political system | Jill Stein | UNAPOLOGETIC
Saying it is antisemitic to oppose genocide is the most antisemitic statement of all"Who is Jill Stein?In this extended interview, Jill Stein speaks about what drives her to want to change the way the USA is governed. <...
Season 1
Episode 14
Episode 13: The life and thoughts of Dr Cornel West | UNAPOLOGETIC
“That’s part of an empire that has grown rich and grown powerful but refuses to grow up” - Cornel West.In an impassioned and lengthy conversation, Dr Cornel West unapologetically shares moments from his life that shaped him and his ideas...
Season 1
Episode 13
Episode 12 - The anti-apartheid activist who could stop the UK’s likely next PM | Andrew Feinstein | UNAPOLOGETIC
Andrew Feinstein was born in South Africa in the 1960s, during the era of grand apartheid. He joined the struggle for a free South Africa, and was deployed by Nelson Mandela to serve in South Africa’s democratically elected parliament.T...
Season 1
Episode 12
Episode 11: The doctor who’s witnessed Israel’s wars on Palestinians since 1982 | Mads Gilbert | UNAPOLOGETIC
“There shall be no trace of Palestinian society, culture, history because they going to be wiped out… This is I think the plan for the Zionists.”Mads Gilbert is a Norwegian anesthesiologist and emergency medicine specialist who has made...
Season 1
Episode 11
Episode 10: The Israeli MP standing against his own country’s ‘genocide’ | Ofer Cassif | UNAPOLOGETIC
Ofer Cassif represents the Hadash Party in the Israeli Knesset and he has been openly calling Israel’s actions in Gaza a ‘genocide’.In this extended interview, Cassif gives insights into the political climate inside Israeli society and ...
Season 1
Episode 10
Episode 9 - The decline of the US empire and what replaces it | Hamid Dabashi | UNAPOLOGETIC
Hamid Dabashi is an Iranian-American professor at Columbia University. He has authored more than 20 books and has expertise in subject areas including Iran, US foreign policy, the Middle East, identity politics and empire. Dabashi ...
Season 1
Episode 9
Episode 8 - Malcolm X, Resistance, Palestine and dismantling white supremacy | Prof. Rudolph Ware | UNAPOLOGETIC
“You (the coloniser) must punish them (the colonised) with a scale of violence that mocks the resistance”Professor Rudolph Ware, also known as Butchware on social media, speaks about his upbringing and how reading the autobiography of M...
Season 1
Episode 8
Episode 7 - Miko Peled: The Israeli dissident whose family was the "who's who of Zionism" | UNAPOLOGETIC
Miko Peled is the son of a decorated Israeli general. His grandfather was one of 37 Israelis who signed Israel’s declaration of independence.His mother came from a wealthy family of “blue-blooded” Zionists, yet...
Season 1
Episode 7
Episode 6: So.Informed - The Instagram account with 3.1 million followers and why it supports Palestine | UNAPOLOGETIC
“It became almost part of American values, post 9/11, to demonise the Middle East.”Jess Natale created the Instagram account So.Informed in 2020 so that she could keep her colleagues who were campaigning for Bernie Sanders up to date wi...
Season 1
Episode 6
Episode 5: The story of the orthodox Jews that oppose Israel | Rabbi Elhanan Beck | UNAPOLOGETIC
Rabbi Elhanan Beck has lived outside of Israel since he was three years old, this is despite the fact that his family lineage in what he calls “Palestine” goes back seven generations.Beck stands with what he says are the vast majority o...
Season 1
Episode 5
Episode 4: Youmna El Sayed’s harrowing journalistic account of what is unfolding in Gaza | UNAPOLOGETIC
This is Al Jazeera’s Youmna El Sayed’s harrowing, nearly three hour account of all that she witnessed while covering Gaza.Youmna El Sayed has reported from Gaza for more than a decade. She was in Gaza on 7 October when Hamas attacked Is...
Episode 4
Episode 3: Mustafa Barghouti - how his life changed in 1967, how he was short in the arm and the "terrible racism" he has faced in the media about Gaza | UNAPOLOGETIC
Over the course of a lengthy discussion, Mustafa Barghouti recollects his life from growing up as a child in Ramallah, which was then controlled by Jordan, to the present Israeli assault on Gaza. Topics covered include how the 1967 War ...
Season 1
Episode 3
Episode 2: Ilan Pappe - how he became an Israeli dissident and on why Zionism will fail soon | UNAPOLOGETIC
“I saw evidence that really challenged everything that I knew”Ilan Pappe shares how he came across historical documents back in 1978 that debunked Zionist myths and set him off on his journey to becoming an Israeli dissident, why ...
Season 1
Episode 2
Episode 1: Munther Isaac: Palestinian pastor speaks about his life, Gaza, Christian Zionism, Palestinian Christians, and the future | UNAPOLOGETIC
‘I mean from October we were saying this is ethnic cleansing and these are war crimes… If you follow the statements from Israeli leaders and the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza…. It was clear what they doing…they were eliminating Gaza, making...
Season 1
Episode 1